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understanding changes in health insurance

The rules, regulations and restrictions of medical insurance can change a lot over short periods of time. What may be covered this year may not be next year. The premiums that you are paying this year could double next year. How much do you pay out of pocket before your insurance picks up the expenses? Do you have an out of pocket limit to meet before your insurance covers anything? Our blog will help you gain a better understanding of how your insurance works to protect you and assistance in reading the documents you receive to alert you of upcoming changes on your health insurance policy.

What You Should Know About Self-Employed Health Insurance Quotes

6 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are self-employed, you know that the world of health insurance can be more confusing. It's normal, after all, to have a lot of questions about the way your insurance works. If you don't even have insurance yet, it's normal to wonder what will factor into your quote. For the self-employed, health insurance can be difficult to understand. Here's what you need to know. The Marketplace Is Available for Many People Read More …

Which Method Of Medicare Advantage Enrollment Works Best For You?

7 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are about to turn 65 or you are looking for a new plan during the open enrollment, you may wonder how you actually go about signing up for a medicare advantage plan. There are several different ways of enrolling in an advantage plan, but ultimately, the one that is the best option is the one that is easiest for you. Here are a few ways you may be able to get signed up, plus the pros and cons of using each method. Read More …

Have Original Medicare? Signs You May Need A Medicare Supplement Plan

28 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you meet certain qualifications you automatically become eligible for Original Medicare. You may be aged 65 or older, be disabled, or have end-stage renal disease (ESRD.) Each of these conditions places you in a position where you can receive Original Medicare. However, Original Medicare typically only covers hospitalization and listed medical protections. This insurance might not be sufficient enough to meet your needs. Read through the information below so you can begin to determine if you should take out a Medicare supplement plan. Read More …

Why Is It Important To Have Health Insurance?

27 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Health insurance is offered by insurance companies. When you need medical treatment, your insurance will pay for a portion of the cost. You can choose to purchase health insurance through your employer's plan or to purchase it on your own. Whatever you do, make sure you're always insured. Here are four reasons that you absolutely need health insurance. 1. Receive necessary preventative care. If you only go to the doctor when you're sick, you're missing out on vital preventative care. Read More …

3 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Health Insurance Plan

19 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Health insurance is important for many reasons. Not only does it reduce your out-of-pocket costs if or when you and family members become ill, but it also aids in preventative care, improving your overall quality of health and wellness. In addition, having the right type of health insurance coverage gives you peace of mind. Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand their coverage and what type of coverage is right for their needs. Read More …